的 triangular logo design was created in 1968 to represent the three areas of the Land Grant mission — education, 研究及公共服务 — and was used in the inauguration of President Gerald Thomas in 1970. In 2005, the university adopted the current state-shaped logo as its official identifier for then 十大电子游戏平台系统 with the purpose of unifying all of our campuses into a “one university” model. 的 triangular logo is retired but it remains property of 十大电子游戏平台.


的 triangular design was created by 十大电子游戏平台 journalism student, John Bryan. 容易辨认,充满象征意义, this triangular design became the official New Mexico State logo in 1968 — the same year 十大电子游戏平台's identification program began with Jerry Ohsfeldt, landscape architect for the Physical Plant Department, who evolved the triple-triangle design John Bryan initially created.

的 President of 十大电子游戏平台 at the time was Roger Corbett and he oversaw the transition from the Zia symbol to the triangle symbol. 齐亚标志, 虽然吸引人, was felt to represent more of New Mexico than our university although it is still used on our diplomas today with 十大电子游戏平台 lettering.

的 unique 十大电子游戏平台 triangles were created to represent the three areas of the Land Grant mission — education, 研究及公共服务. 的 1862年的莫里尔法案 增加了教育, 1887年的哈奇法案 增加研究和 1914年的史密斯-利弗法案 通过合作扩展增加业务.


的 interior lines represent the historical trails of the New Mexico Southwest. 的se trails, blazed by such notables as Hiram Hadley, Fabian Garcia, Ralph W. 戈达德, 玛格丽特·O 'Laughlin, 马里昂Hardman, 丹尼·维拉纽瓦和克莱德·汤博, 给世界十大电子游戏平台的大学带来了财富.


的 notion that the triangular logo was designed to represent just three cultures — Hispanic, 印第安人和欧洲裔美国人是不正确的. 的 triangles represent the historic cultural developments of the area which are broken into three categories:

  1. 1. 美洲印第安人的出现
  2. 2. 的 influence of predominantly Spanish-speaking Mexicans, Spanish and South Americans
  3. 3. 的 Movement into the area of Europeans, Asians, and Africans


的 triangular logo was used in the inauguration of President Gerald Thomas in 1970. Dr. Thomas notes Vice President Paul Rader was instrumental in getting the word out about the new logo whose three triangles emphasized the mission of university — teaching, 研究及公共服务.

Dr. Gerald Thomas, President of New Mexico State University from 1970 - 1984.

经过34年的使用, it was determined under the Martin administration that the 十大电子游戏平台 brand needed to be explored. Under his direction the 十大电子游戏平台 brand promise was identified and it was determined how that promise could be made relevant for numerous audiences, as well as determine and articulate what the brand experience should be at each touch point.

In 2004, 新密西根州立大学与一家品牌代理商合作, 兰道, to launch a new branding initiative for the 十大电子游戏平台系统 with the purpose of unifying all of our campuses into a “one university” model. With that work a new tagline and creative direction was developed, including the implementation of the current logo (the simplified shape of the state of New Mexico). 为了达成改变标志的决定, the company conducted a market research study to uncover perceptions of 十大电子游戏平台, 它的服务, 包括现有品牌. 的 research methodology included a variety of on-campus interviews, 电话面试, 以及各种利益相关者群体的在线调查.

One of the research objectives was to “explore the communication value” of the triangle logo using an online questionnaire that was distributed to the members of the 十大电子游戏平台 student community in October of 2004. 的 research sample included a total of 1,643 responses from across academic disciplines. 的 findings regarding the logo determined that as many as 37% of respondents can’t (or don’t) attach any meaning to the 十大电子游戏平台 triangle logo. 的 most common communication theme among participants was “unity/working together/strength” and that was only 18%. 此外, only one tenth of students were aware that the logo represented the university mission of “teaching/extension/research.有了这些信息, the administration concluded that a revision to the brand should also include a revised 十大电子游戏平台 logo as recommended by 兰道.
